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Zombie vampires chapter 4



Detectives Gary Heller and Eric Marr pulled onto an abandoned farm property and parked behind a sheriff’s deputy car. They got out and walked over to where a small crowd had formed near an old barn. They stepped around the group, inside the building and saw an officer from the crime lab taking pictures of a partial skeleton lying on the dirt floor.

“What do you got?” Gary asked.

The crime scene officer stood up and looked at Gary. “Dead body, probably six months to a year, most likely a vampire,” the officer replied.

Gary stepped in closer but no so close as to compromise the scene. He looked at the skull and saw the fangs hanging from the maxilla. “Looks like another poaching, I don’t think he came out here and died on his own.”

“I’m sure it was a poaching,” the officer replied. “There are cut marks on the vertebrae, C3 and C4. The head wasn’t articulated with the body. Looks like they tossed it on top and it rolled off.”

“Any way of identifying the body?” Gary asked.

“We can check with the agency, I think they keep records.”

“That’s right, I forgot about them.” Gary replied. Digging in his pocket, he pulled out his phone and searched for the agency’s phone number. Once he found it, he called and got ahold of one of the agency officers. They asked him to take a picture on his phone and text it to their database. Gary asked the crime scene officer to take the picture of the skull and Gary sent it off.

“That’s pretty fucking cool,” Eric said. “They have a dam app for everything these days.”

“They said it shouldn’t take long, the recognition software should be able to identify the

body by the teeth alone.”

Gary heard the phone ring and answered, it was the Vampire protection agency on the line with a response. The agency had made a positive identification of the body and informed Gary of what the database had found. “They got a name, Randall Stewart.”

“Was he reported missing?” Eric asked.

“Didn’t say, but at least we know who this was.”

“What do we do now?”

“Våmpires fall under the agency’s jurisdiction, we don’t do anything.

The crime scene technician spoke up, “You might want to check with your office, I think They changed that.”

“What do you mean?”

“With the population of zombie vampires on the increase, they’re making regular law Enforcement deal with poachers.”

“What the fuck?” Gary asked. “Since when?”

“I don’t know, but I bet if you call the agency, they’ll tell you to take care of it yourself.”

“Why can’t they take care of this shit? They made that agency for a reason,” Gary Snapped back.

“There has been a fifty percent increase in zombie vampires this year alone and the Mayor has put the agency in charge of killing them off. There was no department Charged with killing zombie vampires so the agency has picked up the responsibility and They don’t have enough staff.

“This is bullshit, for all I care, they could kill off every fuking våmpire, not just the Zombie ones,” Gary said. He was pissed.

“A lot of people think the same way, but it’s the law. Call your boss and see what he Says.”

Gary pulled out his phone again and called his commanding officer. He asked if what he Heard was true and to his dismay found out that he and Eric would be responsible for This case. Livid, he hung up and stomped out of the barn. Eric followed.

“What’s going on?” Eric asked.

“We have to take care of this shit,” Gary replied.

“What’s the problem? It’s another murder, that’s what we do.”

“You don’t understand, I hate these fukers. They get everything handed to them, they. Don’t have to work, they have more rights than you and I do.”

“They’re almost extinct, there’s a reason for that.”

“They should be extinct, I’m all for it, I’m for the poachers” Gary said.

“I wouldn’t say that around the station, you might lose your job.”

“I do my job, and I do it very well. Don’t worry about that. I’ll catch whoever did this, but I have rights as well. I have the right to hate the lazy fuckers.”

“They can fire you for your attitude, I wouldn’t make it known you feel this way,” Eric Said.

Gary shook his head and took a deep breath. “Fine, don’t repeat anything I said.

“I won’t,” Eric replied.

“Out of curiosity, what do you think about your welfare blood sucking friends?” Gary Asked.

“Hey, I never said I was friends with them. I just think you should play by the rules, that’s Why we have them,” Eric replied.

“Sounds to me like you want one for a pet.”

“You’re an asshøle,” Eric replied. “Don’t make me out to be a vampire lover. I’m just doing my job and not letting my feelings get in the way.”

“That’s impossible, everyone let’s their feelings get in the way somehow.”

The two stood silent thinking about what to do next. Then Gary walked back into the Barn and found the crime scene tech. “Can you send me a report?” Gary asked.

“Sure,” the tech replied.

“Have you worked with the agency much?”

“A little.”

“I heard working for them is tough, seems a lot of people give them a hard time for what they do.”

“I bet they do, having a job where you protect vampires, I’ve heard of agents getting harassed and attacked. The turnover there is huge,” the tech said.

“And now I have to watch my back,” Gary said.

“The general public doesn’t know you guys are getting the overflow. You should be fine.”

“I wonder what those guys make?” Gary asked.

“The agency cops? I think they make eighty grand a year.”

“You’re shitting me, eighty grand? For what?”

“It’s hard work, and like I said, there is a lot of backlash. Nobody wants that job.”

“I make less than forty grand a year, and now I’m doing their job? I’m not picking up the slack for half the pay.”

“Yes, yes you are,” the tech replied.

“Fuk!” Gary yelled and stormed out of the barn. He headed to his car.

Eric followed him outside and yelled, “Where are you going?”

“Back to the station!” Gary yelled and got back in his car.

Once back at the station, Gary stormed into Andrew Reed’s office followed by his Partner Eric. Andrew, his boss and Commander was on his phone so Gary waited until he was done. Seeing how pissed Gary looked, Andrew ended the conversation and Addressed the man hovering over him.

“What’s wrong Gary?” Andrew asked.

“I just got word that we’re picking up agency work now,”

“Yeah, that’s true.”

“When were you going to let me in on it?” Gary asked.

“Why is this a problem?” Andrew asked.

“For one thing, agency makes twice what I do.”

“There’s a good reason for that.”

“Now I’m agency by default and I’m still making less than forty grand.”

“You’re not agency, yet,” Andrew said.

“What?” Gary asked. “What do you mean yet?”

“There is talk at the mayor’s office of assigning officers to the agency. With the increase Of zombie vampires, they don’t have enough staff.”

“No fuking way,” Gary said.

“It’s a very real possibility. I’m supposed to recommend four from this office by Friday.”

“Not me, I won’t do it,” Gary said.

“Do you want a job?” Andrew asked.

“Are they adjusting my pay?”

“No, the city can’t afford to raise everyone’s pay. There is talk of cutting the agency officers pay.”

“The mayor is going to have a crisis on his hands now,” Gary said. “Why don’t they get out the National Guard and exterminate the fuckers? It would cost a lot less and get the Job done a lot faster.”

“That option is on the table, and I think by the end of the year will be what they have to do. There are legalities about what the guard can do, so they have to change some Laws before they can bring them in,” Andrew replied.

“Declare martial law, problem solved,” Gary said.

“Zombie vampires aren’t considered citizens, so martial law won’t work. It’s more like a Rat infestation. They have to have the CDC or some other agency ask for special Permission to use the guard. It’s all political and technical. In the meantime, it’s up to You and our other officers to fill in.”

Gary shook his head in disgust. “So what about this case I have now? If I get sent to the Agency, whose going to take care of that?” Gary asked.

“I’ll have to assign it to another officer, we all have to pick up the extra load,” Andrew Replied. “And I don’t know if you’re being assigned anyway. You’re jumping the gun.

“Is there anything I can do to make sure I don’t get assigned?’

“Like what? A bribe?”

“No, like seniority, I’ve worked here twelve years,” Gary said. “I’m third from the top in Seniority.”

“They may take that into consideration, I don’t know. I don’t make those decisions.”

“Who does? You’re the chief.”

“That comes from city hall, I’ll get a report on Friday. If I have any new assignments, I’ll Know then.”

“Can I appeal?”

“Jesus Gary, what’s your fucking problem?” Andrew snapped.

“I don’t want to chase zombie vampires in old basements! I’m fifty four years old. They Don’t pay me enough to do that shit!”

“If you’re too old to do your job, quit!” Andrew replied. “Go work fast food, see what real Work is like.”

Gary bit his tongue and looked over at Eric who hadn’t said a word. Seeing he wasn’t Getting any support from his partner, he smiled at his boss and walked out. Eric followed

And tried to keep up.

“Now what?” Eric asked looking at the back of Gary’s head.

Gary spun around and tried to keep his mouth shut, but it was difficult. “We have a Murder to investigate, let’s get to work.”

For the next hour Gary bit his tongue and focused on the case. He stopped at Randall’s Residence and checked in with the crime scene investigators. They had nothing to go on Besides a blood soaked floor, now dry after six months and footprints that were Indistinguishable from any set of rubber boots that could be found in most closets.

There was a large contingent of people who hated vampires and trying to track down Who killed Randall would be a nightmare. Then one of the investigators approached Gary and asked him to come to the bathroom.

“What is it?” Gary asked.

“Not much, but we do have what looks like blood in the sink,” the tech replied.

“You think this is from the perp?”

“Most likely, I doubt the victim took the time to wash his hands after he was dead.”

“Great, get that to the lab, I want this case solved fast, and this whole thing leaves a bad Taste in my mouth. I’d rather be out chasing a car thief, at least I can wrap my mind Around that.”




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