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Zombie Vampires Chapter 9


Jaycee decided to start her first day at work catching up on the laundry. It had been two weeks since the last housekeeper had done laundry and Brandon only did enough for his father to get by. Heading downstairs, Jayce could hear the sound of a television and realized the vampire family must be living in one of the rooms close by. As she made her way down the hall to the laundry, she spied a young black girl in a room sitting on a couch watching the television. She looked to be around thirteen years old. Jaycee stopped at the doorway to introduce herself. “Hi,” Jayce said getting the girls attention.

“Hi” the girl replied.

“My name is Jaycee and work for Everett now. I’m his new housekeeper.”

“My name is Alondra, my sister’s name is Veneshia, we live down here,” Alondra replied.

“I heard that your live with your mother, is she around?”

Jaycee heard a woman’s voice reply, “Yes, I’m here,”

Jaycee was surprised to hear a voice not realizing the mother was standing behind her in the hallway. Jaycee turned to face a lean muscular black woman with shoulder length hair and a set of fangs that would make a snake envious. “Oh, hi, I didn’t know you were back there.”

“I was getting dressed, it’s pretty early yet,” the woman replied. “My name is Tynice, I heard you're Mr. Cole’s new housekeeper.”

“Yes, I started today,” Jaycee replied. She tried to keep her prejudices at bay but had a difficult time speaking so casually with a black person. Jaycee wasn’t raised to hate blacks, she was raised in a good home by good parents and had no real reason to dislike anyone, let alone blacks. But she did and she was becoming uncomfortable being around them.

“I hope you're better than the last one we had, she was a bitch,” Tynice said.

“We had? Everett told me I’m only supposed to clean upstairs.”

“Really,” Tynice said in a droll voice. “I think he told you that so you’d take the job, the old housekeeper used to clean down here too.”

Jaycee was confused and a bit shocked. She knew Tynice was living rent free, or was at least getting government housing benefits, probably had no job and now needed a housekeeper? This was a touchy subject, but she needed to clear the air so she spoke up. “May I ask why you need a housekeeper?”

Taken aback, Tynice replied, “I have two growing daughters, do you have any children?”

“No, but if I did, I’d make then clean up after themselves,” Jaycee replied.

“You think I’m a bad mother?”

“No, I’m just saying that when I was that age, my mother made me clean up after Myself, we didn’t have a housekeeper.”

“That’s because your family couldn’t afford one, Mr. Cole is a rich man and can afford a Cleaning lady,” Tynice replied.

“Yes, for him. He’s an old man and needs assistance, you and your daughters are Young and capable of taking care of yourselves,” Jaycee said.

“I don’t like where this conversation is going,” Tynice said.

“Hey, I’m just doing what I was told, Everett told me specifically not to clean up down Here. The only reason I will be down here is to use the laundry.”

“I’ll have a talk with Mr. Cole and get this straightened out, you will clean up for me and My daughters or I will make sure he hires a new housekeeper,” Tynice snapped back.

“Go ahead,” Jaycee replied. “Can I ask a question?”


“Do you have a job?” Jaycee asked.

“What business is it of yours if I have a job or not?”

“I don’t see why you don’t have time to clean up after yourself if you don’t work,” Jaycee Said.

“If you must know, I get a stipend from the government. That’s a perk of having your Race almost wiped off the face of the Earth.”

“Great, another welfare vampire,” Jaycee replied expecting to be ripped apart. She was Pissed and ready for a fight.

“Oh bitch, you don’t want to go there,” Tynice said. “You didn’t live the life I did. You Didn’t see your family slaughtered and live in fear you’d be next. There’s a reason why I Get that check every month, I earned it and I can spend it anyway I want.”

“You earned it? You look fine to me.”

Livid, Tynice tore back into Jaycee. “My grandmother was killed off and two of her Sisters back in the thirties. Back before they had the laws passed to save us. Tell me, How many members of your family were killed off? Back then it was legal to cut the Head off a vampire and my family had to live with that pain.”

“That was over half a century ago, you probably didn’t know your grandma,” Jaycee Said.

“So what? She was my family and it affected my mother to no end. I had to live with that All my life,” Tynice replied.

“But things have changed, you now have protected status. You can get a job and stop living off the government.”

“Fuck you white bitch that money is mine and I’m entitled to it. If you want to change that, run for office and change the law, until then, I want you scrubbing the shit stains out of my girl’s panties and my kitchen mopped three times a week.”

Jaycee smiled at Tynice and shook her head biting her lip. She stepped around Tynice and headed to the laundry not looking back.

“You will do as I say,” Tynice said. “Mr. Cole may own this house, but I run it.”

Jaycee turned back around and looked at Tynice. “I’ll have a talk with him myself, and if I have my way, you’ll be living on the street by the end of the week.”

“I doubt it, he gets twelve hundred a month from the government to cover my rent. He may be old, but he isn’t stupid. Housekeepers are a dime a dozen, but sweet government subsidies isn’t. If he rented to a regular family, he’d get maybe four hundred a month. For what I pay, he gets three times that.”

“What you pay? You don’t pay shit,” Jaycee said. “You’re a government bum living off the taxes of hard working people. What do you do all day besides cook and watch television all day?”

“Cook? I don’t cook, Mr. Cole’s cook feeds us, its part of our rent,” Tynice replied with a smile. She knew that would piss of Jaycee and it did.

Jaycee shook her head again and stepped into the laundry shutting the door behind her.

The first thing she saw was a laundry basket filled with girls clothes. The thought of doing Tynice’s or her daughter’s laundry filled her with rage. She kicked the basket to the wall and sorted Everett’s laundry.

Jaycee started a load of Mr. Cole’s laundry and folded a basketful making a dent in what had become a huge mess. She brought the folded load upstairs to Everett’s room and put the laundry in his dresser. It was there she ran into him in the hall on her way back downstairs. She was anxious to ask him about what Tynice said and now was her opportunity. “Mr. Cole, can I ask you something?” Jaycee asked.

“Sure, and call me Everett, the only person who calls me Mr. Cole is that bitch that lives downstairs.”

Immediately Jaycee’s mood improved. “Ok Everett, when I was downstairs doing laundry, I ran into Tynice and her daughter. Tynice told me that I was supposed to clean up after them as well as you.”

“Bullshit, don’t listen to her. The government pays me her rent, she has to take care of herself. She’s just trying to screw with you so she’ doesn’t have to do anything.”

“She said your old housekeeper used to clean there three times a week,” Jaycee said.

“And she’s a lying cunt. If she tells you to do anything, you tell me. I don’t mind making Some extra money renting out the basement, but if she fucks with my paid help, she and Her kids are out.”

“Thanks Everett, for a while I thought maybe I misunderstood you.”

“No, she’s a manipulative bitch. I went down there a few times to check on them to see If they were taking care of my property. Every Time I did, the place was tore to shit with Garbage, clothes, old food and whatever else they could find. The basement leads right Out to the trash bin and they can’t seem to find it. I’ve been tempted more than once to Kick them out. Problem is once you sign the agreement with the government to house Vampires it’s almost impossible to kick them out. They have special rights.”

“What would it take to get rid of them?” Jaycee asked.

“I would have to prove they were breaking a law, or stealing from the government, or Some bullshit like that. They even require I give a six month notice for eviction instead of Thirty days. If I break the contract, I have to pay an extra five thousand as a penalty,” Everett said.

“Sounds like you’re stuck with them, how long is the contract?”

“The longer the contract, the better the pay so I signed for ten years. Now I regret that Day I ever saw them.”

“Why? What else have they done?”

“Oh God, you don’t want to know.”

“Sure I do,” Jaycee said.

“Let me sit down first,” Everett said heading for the living room. He sat down in his chair And shook his head in disgust. “One time, that bitch brought a guy back to the Apartment, she had her permits to kill and decided to do it in the living room. There was Screaming and banging on the walls. I called the cops because I didn’t know what was Going on down there so when I finally got to see what she did I was shocked. The place Was covered in blood and his dead body was lying on the kitchen floor.”

“Oh my God,” Jaycee said.

“I had to replace the carpet and bring in a cleaning company to scrub the blood off the Walls. Then I had to have it all repainted.”

“All that and you weren’t allowed to evict her?” Jaycee asked.

“Hell no, they said that was part of being a vampire. Since she had a valid permit, I had No recourse. The worst thing is that she can get two permits a year and I’m stuck with Her for six more years.”

“Has she ever brought another one to the house?”

“No, she knew I was pissed, but that doesn’t mean she won’t,” Everett said.

Then Jaycee thought of something. “You know, I’m not on the protected list, as a Housekeeper, she could legally kill me anytime.”

“You don’t have any college?” Everett asked.


“Could you enroll at the community college?”

“I suppose, but I don’t have money for tuition and books. And I don’t know when the Next session starts, “Jaycee said.

“Tell you what, I’ll get my son on this. We need to get you enrolled, as a student you’re On the list until you graduate. I’ll pay your way as long as you work for me.”

“That’s very nice of you, but what do we do in the meantime?” Jaycee asked.

“I’ll have a talk with her, tell her if she lays a finger on you that I’ll personally cut her Head off, and her daughters as well.”

“That would be poaching.”

“At my age do you think I care? My son would love it if I went to prison anyway, then he Could get his hands on my money faster.”

“Yeah, he sort of told me about that,” Jaycee said.

“Doesn’t surprise me, he’ll get what he deserves soon enough.”

“Hey, I have another question for you, I was wondering if I could use your woods for a Religious ceremony. I’m learning about witchcraft and need a private secluded spot.”

“If you want to go dance naked in the woods it’s fine with me. There is a cabin and a Lake back there too if you follow the trail. All I ask is that you leave it as you found it. You Can use the fire ring, but you will have to gather your own wood,” Everett said.

“Awesome,” Jaycee said with a smile, “you made my day”.




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