A very popular Actress aged 79, has been discovered deceased at her residence, reportedly with her hands tied in the bedroom, in what appears to be a suspected robbery. The British actress Viscella Richards was discovered deceased at her residence in the Caribbean. The celebrity, known by the stage name Vikki Richards, was located with her hands bound in her North Valsyn bedroom, north of Trinidad, on Wednesday, March 6. Law enforcement authorities suggest that the 79-year-old television personality may have been murdered during a robbery, as her property was reportedly ransacked. Authorities note the absence of additional signs of violence on her body. Vikki Richards gained recognition primarily for her supporting role in the 1973 British film "Black Snake," filmed in Barbados. Her career spanned from the stage to notable TV appearances, including roles in "The Onedin Line," "Return of the Saint," and "Howard’s Way." The discovery of her body ...